Sunday, March 15, 2009

What's with HUGE furniture in small places?

Names and locations are omitted to protect the innocent.

Okay, I have a relative that lives in this small apartment. One bedroom, NO DEN NO, DINNING ROOM. Remember that.

Just a bedroom, bath, kitchen and living room. Can’t be more than 700sq feet total.

So why do I walk in and bump into a HUGE couch, then turn around and bump into a HUGE love seat, try to step into the kitchen and stub my toe on a HUGE entertainment center with a HUGE T.V.

But wait. In front of the HUGE loveseat there is a HUGE coffee table, and if you take half a step forward…you ain’t gonna believe this. I slam into a HUGE dining table that seats 6!!! It’s butted right up against the couch so you can’t pull out one chair or sit on the couch!

Remember – no dining room folks.

Now this relative does this ALL THE TIME! I don’t care what place she moves into, she can’t seem to get the concept of SCALE!!!

Oh, we won’t even talk about the bedroom. But you have a pretty good idea right?

Do you know someone like this? That buys HUGE furniture that’s made for Buckingham Palace, but they live in Tiny Tim’s house?

What’s with that?

Oh, she also has the plastic on the furniture. The couch, the loveseat. Even down to the legs of the chairs for the dining table – CUSTOM MADE!

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