Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I am back and still writing!!!

Okay, folks. I know it's been a looooong time since I wrote anything in my blog.

Well let me give you a brief update.

For those of you that belong to the MSN Group IMRR (Interracial/Multicultural Romance Readers), you already know.

I married my best friend of 20 some years Giuseppe Spalino. The last time you heard from us we were going to Sicily for his sick father, then Torino for the Olympics. My how time flies.

Well, after a long honeymoon - We sailed the QM2 World Cruise - 86 days! Man! That's a lot of time at sea! I am back with a vengence!!! LOL!

Anywho, I have been writing all this time. And guess what? I got some stuff ready to go.

The first is my Light BDSM novel Detention. I am putting the finishing touches on that and I will be submitting it to Ellora's Cave or Loose-id.

The second thing is my Mass Market book Mystery/Romance The Boys in the Band is being seriously considered by a regular publishing house. WOOHOO!!. They sent it back with suggestions on improving and editing.

I will be putting up excerpts for all these works in the days to come.

Personal Trainer is another IR romantica book, that I will be finishing after Detention.

Then who can forget With Friends Like These. The Vamp/Were IR Menage. I will be finishing that also, hopefully by later this spring.

So that's what's been going on with me. A lot huh? LOL!!



Marie Rochelle said...


Welcome back!!!! I've missed you. Have you joined my yahoo group. Check out my website.

Marie Rochelle

LaVerne said...

Hey Steph,

Just stopped by to say hi. And check out your blog. So glad you updated, but where are the pictures. Need visuals of some of those places you visited.

House of Isis

Mimi Tremont said...

Glad to have you back and to know that you have so many irons in the fire.