Sunday, April 27, 2008

Updating my Blog and You!

Hey Gang!

Yes, I know it’s been a long, long…long time since I’ve updated my blog.

Some of you probably even forgot I had a Blog!

A lot of you are members of IMRR and see me post there with updates and such, and I too have been complacent about posting to my blog, figuring that since I posted on the IMRR board that’s all I need.

So wrong. This is my personally little spot, a corner of my room where I allow everyone to visit and I let ya’ll know what’s going with me, give my opinions on any topic and various views on writing and the publishing industry in general.

Well let’s pick up as though there were no interruptions! LOL!

As you know from the last post, I had a little manuscript that I was working on called Detention.

Well I submitted to Ellora’s Cave and it made it past the first reading


Now the waiting begins. *SIGH*

Ellora’s Cave has become the NY Mass Market publisher of epubs.

But let’s face it fellow writers. If you want your work to be taken seriously AND you want it to be with an epub that’s going to last more than a minute, there are some sacrifices you have to make.

Ellora’s Cave was the first and the best epub out there.

Now if you’re a member of IMRR, you know that every now and then some one is posting about another epub that’s bit the dust or jerking authors around.

EC, Loose-id, Phaze, Red Rose and a couple of others (and please forgive me if I don’t mention you) are the only few that have weather the storms of the epub fiascos.

Now, I will start posting excerpts of Detention on my blog.

I will also introduce another story you might remember.

Personal Trainer.

Now this story was to be a short short. It has now turned into a full novel.

How? Why?

You know how it is. If you start like the characters you give them background, foreground, little idiosyncrasies.

You make them three dimensional, which makes your plot more detailed and so on and so on.

That’s what happened with Personal Trainer. I liked Bruce’s character, I gave him a deep background and a…..dare I say it? A hidden past!

Jasmine, is now a victim of Bruce’s past and is coming in between them and…

Well, you get the picture.

This story is almost finished, I have one more chapter to add, look it over and I’m Submitting it to Red Rose Publishing.

I don’t think I can handle the long wait from EC twice in a row. LOL!

Well that’s it so far. As the days and weeks go on, you will be noticing updates to links and things on the side.

Once again, my apologies for abandoning you and I will make sure that I blog something at least once a week to keep all my fans abreast to what’s going on.


cinquetta said...

Thank goodness you did not forget your fans,especially me. Now I have a smile on my I want joy. WHEN? WHERE? is FRIEND LIKE THESE and PERSONNEL TRAINER going to be release and which publish house. So I can start send them email about release your book. Hope all is well and good luck which you don't need You are very talent brilliant writer.

IR LOVER said...

Thanks Cinquentta!

Personal Trainer will be out probably before With Friends Like These, for the mere fact that it's a shorter piece of worl.

I am so glad you remembered WFLT! I've been so many other projects that I'm afraid it got placed on the back burner