Sunday, September 04, 2005

Fetishes in Black and White.

When I first started reading IR romances, they were your typical garden variety fare: Boy meets girl; problems with friends and family due to the make-up of the relationship. Boy and girl struggle with themselves and society; they tell friends and society to kiss off; they get back together-HEA!

We’ve come a long way baby! Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVED those books, I was hungry for them. But like everything else—you grow and so did the IR Romance Genre.

We have Historical, Paranormal, Vamps and Werewolves, Gay and Lesbian and yes THREESOMES—M/F/M!! (May fave if you haven’t noticed LOL)!!!

There is also another genre out there—Fetish.

What is Fetish you ask? Well, think about your love of shoes. (I’m sure every woman reading this can relate)! Now take that love and add some kink to it. Ex: You have to have sex in the latest pair of Manolo Blahnik pumps. Your walls in your closet are stacked with heels from floor to ceiling. You only wear certain pairs for certain sex acts. You get the picture.

There is also lifestyle Fetishes-Bondage, Spanking, Stockings and other things I care not to go into.

Where does IR Romance fit into all of this?

Well look at your favorite e-publishers. Adrianne Kama, Eve Vaughn, Jaci Burton and Marilyn Lee, just to name a few.

We are now seeing more IR relationships participating in these ‘delights’.

Is this a good thing? YOU BETHCHA!

Will it offend some, especially those that associate BDSM with the old slave master mentality? Let’s face it, seeing a Black woman with a collar on and a chain with a White dude (no matter how fine—Hubba Hubba) standing over her can be controversial at best.

But remember, these are consenting adults in trusting loving relationships.

So having said all of that, I’m asking women of color this (those of the lighter persuasion can put in their two cents also LOL!!!):

1. Do images and stories like these offend you?
2. Do you enjoy reading (or seeing) these images?
3. Would you like to see more of the genre, especially on the bookshelves?
4. Do you entertain the idea of participating in these pastimes? (This is a rhetorical question of course LOL)!!

Let’s hear what you have to say!


Adrienne Kama said...

Yay! You got your links up.

You know my thoughts on this subject already, so I'll be brief. Black women have just as many fetishes and fantasies as white women...and so do Latina women, Asian women, and everyone else. We're all females and we all have needs and desires. I say, if a person doesn't like what an author writes, don't buy it. That way she/he doesn't have to be offended :)

IR LOVER said...

Yep, I figured it out. Now I need to figure out how to get a picture up. LOL!!

Could'nt have said it better myself!

Say it Loud, I'm a Frealy Deak and I'm Proud!

Okay I just dated myself there. LOL!!

Mari said...

I am of the lighter persuasion, but I'd like to answer.

Images of a black woman chained with a white man long as she wants to be chained and is treated with adoration, I don't see a problem. I may be uncomfortable if the story was set in 1830 Georgia on a cotton plantation though.

I think fetish is good with any color of heroine like Adri said. Women are women, no matter what color they are.

I like reading about fetish like some of those Jake/Dev/Stella scenes, but that is where it ends. Its good for fantasy material.

I like M/F/M too!

IR LOVER said...

Hey Maianne!

Couldn't agree with you more!

Yeah the time thing would be an issue, but otherwise I say go for it!

If done right, as with Adri's Stella, any Fetish can be just as loving as any mainstream romance out there.


Naomi said...

Fetishes in Black and White:
Hello Stephanie. I found your blog at Adrienne's. I totally agree with your points on fetishes and BDSM.

Here are my answers to your questions:

1. Do images and stories like these offend you?

HELL NO!!! I totally want a Dom in the bedroom and if I could have two who are bisexual and use me as their own special plaything...then I hope GOD is listening, cuz I really want that.

2. Do you enjoy reading (or seeing) these images?

YES!!! They are totally hot especially with BW/WM couplings. I just read Adrienne's Stella Chronicles (Jan/Feb) and oh my damn...I envy Stella. Two masculine hot men who love each other and include her in their loving and totally worhip her. DAMN! I need more of those.

3. Would you like to see more of the genre, especially on the bookshelves?

Absolutely. I mean it's a struggle just to find really hot and steamy erotica in bookstores, let alone IR stories especially those with BDSM. Clearly there is a demand.

4. Do you entertain the idea of participating in these pastimes? (This is a rhetorical question of course LOL)!!

LOL...see above answers.