Friday, May 02, 2008

The Fun Continues!!!!

Hey guys!

I got such great responses from my first posting of Detention that I felt confidant enough to do a second.

Now just to let you guys know, I'm having trouble formatting in this blog. Spaces, indenting are not my friends here. LOL!

I'll get the hand of it by the time I do another posting-I hope

This is the next chapter and the set up is this.

Brett is having Mia call her boyfriend to break tings off. He's not gonna have any man touching his woman.

That would be fine, except Mia as to be in a..ahem...certain position while she's talking to Tim.



“That looks wonderful,” he said coming to her.

The teddy was like an extreme body suit with cut outs in all the right places.

Her full chocolate breasts where expose as well as her crotch and rear. The man that invented this needed to win the Nobel Prize, Brett mused.

The leather was like a second skin on her. She was even sexier with this on than just stark naked.

“Turn around for me.”

She looked at him with a slight grimace, then did as she was told.

“Perfect, except for one little item.”

“A robe,” she said in a tone that was obviously defiant.

“Watch your tone with me Mia, I don’t want to punish you this early.” He stepped back and took another good look at her then handed her the finishing touch.

“What’s that?” Mia looked up at him eyes blazing. It was going to be fun bringing her to submission. Hard, but fun.

“It’s a Sub collar,” he said trying to look as serious as possible, because at the moment the look on Mia’s face was hilarious.

“I am not putting on a dog collar.” Mia crossed her arms over her bare breasts and looked straight at him. She was actually challenging him.

Well it was time to show her how this game was actually played. “Very well.” He placed the collar on the stool. He then reached over and grabbed Mia.

“Wha…what are you doing?”

Brett turned her around so her back was against his chest. He then began fondling her breast slowly. He then moved on to her stomach until he was at the edge of his final destination.

“No.” Her voice was breathy and she was squirming under his touch.

He didn’t say a word; instead he proceeded with his assault. When he found the magic spot he began slowly rubbing her clit. She bucked like a wild horse nearly making him lose his balance.

“Brett!” She went to reach for his hand but he stopped her by slapping her hand away.

“You cannot touch yourself unless I say so.”

“Oh Brett!” Her head tossed back and forth.

“Put you hands to your side.” He waited as she did as she was told. Then continued. “Ah Mia, you are so wet, I love a woman that is wet for me. This is for me isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Mmmm, lets see how close I can get you to come.” He inserted another finger, going in and out of her faster and faster.

“Oh Brett, yes, faster, please!”

“You’re ready to come aren’t you?”


He then stopped and slowly removed his finger from her tight channel. He handed her his cell phone. “Call Tim now!”

“Brett! No! Please, why did you stop?” Her voice was on the verge of sheer panic.
“Dial his number and tell him anything you want, as long as the final outcome is that it’s over between you.”

“But Brett.” She reached for him but he pulled away. “Don’t leave me like this!”

Brett forcefully placed the phone in her hand. “On your knees and call him, then maybe I’ll finish where I left off.”

“I can’t talk to him like this, I can’t talk to anyone like this!” Her eyes were pleading and she was just short of screaming at the top of her lungs.

Now this was more like it.

“On your knees.” He pointed to the floor.

She let out a whimper and got on her knees. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. He wasn’t going to budge on this one
She began dialing with noticeably trembling hands.

He then stood behind and directly above her. He leaned over and began to caress and massage her breast. “Talk normally,” he whispered in her ear.

Mia swallowed then, “Hello, Tim?” Brett began pinching her nipples. Oh God this was torture.

“Hey Mia, I just called you, where are you? I thought maybe we could catch a movie.”

“Um…I…don’t…think….” Mia removed the phone from her mouth as she let out a gasp. Brett was now on his knees behind her and those strong hands of his were doing things to her body that was probably illegal in some states. “Brett please,” she said as low as possible.

“Do you want me to take the phone and finish the conversation?” he whispered in her ear.

Mia closed her eyes and tried to refocus. She then came back the phone. “Um…Tim….”

“Are you okay babe?

No, there is a man playing with my pussy as I’m talking to you and it feels fantastic! Brett’s fingers were back on her clit, circling it slowly as he kissed and licked her neck and shoulders. “I’m fine, I think I’m coming down with something. Anyway I wanted to ask you something, I’m glad I caught up with you.”

“Really? Sounds serious, what is it?”

At that moment Brett began picking up the pace, Mia was now on the verge of a mind-blowing climax! Please don’t let me come while on the phone with this man, because Brett’s name will be the only thing on my lips.

Mia was biting down on her lip almost drawing blood as Brett pushed his fingers deeper inside her. “Tim,” she squeaked loudly. “What…do…you think about settling down and starting a family? Whew! She got that out in one breath.

There was an uncomfortable pause on the other end of the phone, then. “Um, Mia, you know you said you didn’t feel too well, so I’m going to let you go to get some rest. I’ll…call you later.” He disconnected.

Mia dropped the phone and was now on all fours. Brett stopped, took her by the waist and laid her on her back. He spread her legs wide and pushed his tongue deep inside her.

“Brett! Oh God, yes!” Mia nearly came up off the floor as her orgasm hit like a hammer. She never saw stars before but she could swear she saw a whole galaxy of them.

She lay there panting, her eyes closed as she waited for her body and soul to return to earth.

Brett took her hand and pulled her up to a sitting position facing him. “See what happens when you get smart with your master?”

She nodded, still in a haze. Then the realization of Tim’s reaction hit her.
Brett stared at her trying to read her face. She turned away trying to focus on something else—anything else.

He gently took her chin and made her look at him. His expression was solemn.“He’s a fool for not even considering your proposal.”